Preparing For Your Cat's Final Vet Visit

Unfortunately, like every living being your cat too will someday pass, I know this very well as I prepare for my cat's final vet visit in the next few weeks. If you are fortunate enough to have time to prepare for your cat's final vet visit there are a few things you can do to make the final days easier for you and your feline friend.

  1. Your cat's health and comfort come first. Just like humans in their final days keeping your cat comfortable is the most important thing. If possible keep them in a stress free environment and make sure they get all medications that are prescribed. Give them their favorite treats and give them as much attention as possible.
  2. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Loss and mourning are a part of life, allow yourself to emotionally go through the grieving process but always remember what you are doing is in your cats best interest. Remember to keep yourself physically healthy, it's a delicate time but you can't let your physical health decline as well. 

It'll be tough to say goodbye but if you are lucky enough to have time to spend with your feline friend before you say your final goodbye, Enjoy it, give them lots of cuddles and scritches and always do what is best for your pet.